January 28, 2016

Shadow A Pharmacy Student (SAPS) Day Event - Rutgers University

The pharmacy students at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University would like to invite high students at your school to participate in the bi-annual Shadow A Pharmacy Student (SAPS) Day event coordinated by the Rutgers University chapter of the American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP).  SAPS Day brings awareness to the profession of pharmacy by giving high school students the opportunity to visit the Rutgers University campus, where they shadow a professional pharmacy student for a day. We hope to give more insight and advice to juniors and seniors who are in the process of choosing colleges and career options, and we have found that past events have helped several students decide to pursue the profession of pharmacy. In fact, a couple of students who have previously attended the SAPS Day events are now pre-professional students at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy. Because many students from your school have contacted us in the past voicing interest in attending SAPS Day, we would like to invite your students again to sign-up for this year’s event.

Interested high school students will be assigned to a professional pharmacy student, who will guide them throughout the course of the day. Students will be able to sit in on classes, meet Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy faculty, and explore the campus.  Although students will be assigned to shadow one pharmacy student, they will still have the opportunity to speak with several Rutgers students and ask any questions they have about the profession of pharmacy, the Pharm.D. program at Rutgers, or anything about the college admissions process.

If you are interested in having your students attend SAPS Day at Rutgers University, attached is a link to a Google form which can be forwarded to students. The event will take place on Thursday, March 24, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM, and transportation will be the responsibility of the students.  There are a limited number of spots, so all interested students must RSVP by Friday, March 4 (or ASAP to secure a seat) by filling out the Google form link below. For more information or if you have any questions, please e-mail us at shawdowapharmacystudent@gmail.com. Thank you for your time and cooperation. We hope to hear from your students soon.

Link to form: 


Lucy Lin, Anasemon Aioub, Nina Chacko, and Minchang Choi

Shadow A Pharmacy Student Coordinators

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